Normal Bleeding Time
1.5-9.5 minutes
20-39 seconds
9.5-12 seconds
1.0 normal
2-3 seconds for a.fib treatment
2.5-3.5 seconds for prosthetic heart valves
<30 mm/hr >50 years old
<25 mm/hr if <50 years old
(time that erythrocytes settle in well mixed venous blood)
Blood Sugar
60-110 mg/dl
<160 (<100 if CAD)
10-20 g/dL (high=kidney failure)
0.4-1.4 (high=kidney failure)
Urine Specific Gravity
Alkaline Phosphatase
50-120u/L (increased=liver damage)
Creatine Kinase
MM bands present= skeletal muscle damage
MB bands present= cardiac muscle damage
elevated= MI (>336 Males, >176 Females)
10-40 (high=liver damage/failure)
<5 in newborns
0.3-1 in adults
Therapeutic Digoxin Level
Cranial Nerves
1-Olfactory (smell)
2-Optic (vision)
3-Oculomotor (pupil constriction, raising eyelid)
4-Throclear (down and inward eye movement)
5-Trigminal (jaw movement; face/neck sensation)
6-Abducens (lateral eye movement)
7-Facial (movement/taste)
8-Acoustic (hearing/balance)
9-Glossopharyngeal (pharyngeal/movement, taste)
10-Vagus (swallow/speaking)
11-Spinal Accessory (flex/roatation of the head and shoulder shrugging)
12-Hypoglossal (tongue movement)
What do you do for a transfusion reaction?
Stop, Restart NS, Save blood/tubing and return to blood bank, Draw blood sample, Urine sample, Monitor for hematuria
Hemolytic Reaction
From incompatibility--> have N/V, chills, lower back pain, hypotension, increased HR
Isotonic Fluids
Same concentration as body fluids (NS,LR,D5W)
Hypotonic Fluids
Less concentration than body fluids- pulls water into the cell= cell bursts (1/2NS) given with dehydration
Hypertonic Fluids
More concentration than body fluids- pulls water out of the cell= cell shrivels (10-15% D, NaBicarb 5%) given for hyponatremia
IV Insertion
Using non dominant hand, place tourniquet 4-6" above, warm area/hand over bed/make a fist to dilate vein
Clean with alcohol inside to outside then with iodine
Insert at 10-30 degree angle and lessen, once you see blood lower 1/4" and remove tourniquet, remove needle and advance catheter
Secure, tubing, infuse
Rapid Acting Insulin
O=10-30 min P=0.5-3 hr D= 3-6 hr
Lispro, Aspart, Glusine
Short Acting Insulin
O=30-60 min P= 1-5 hr D= 6-10 hr
Intermediate Insulin
O=1-2 hr P= 6-12 hr D= 16 hr
Long Acting Insulin
O=3-4 hr P= cont D=24hr
Meds to take at night
Alpha Adrenergic Blockers
Meds that interact with grapefruit
Can increase serum drug level-CCB, Statins, Caffeine, SSRIs, Dextromorphan, Sirolimus, Carbamazepine, Buspirone, Midazolam, Sildenafil, Praziquantel, Tacrolimus
Stoma Care
Will function 3-6 days post op~want a low residue diet 6-8wks post op! Swelling normal in first few days post op pouch opening 1/8 inch larger than stoma, skin barrier under all tapes and to protect skin surrounding stoma, cleanse gently/pat dry, use stoma adhesive/hold pouch for 30 sec when setting and change if seal breaks or if 1/4 full
Bleeding Precautions
Electric Razor
Soft Toothbrush
Pressure post venipuncture
Metabolic Alkalosis Causes
Respiratory Alkalosis Causes
Hyperventilation/Mechanical Vent
Respiratory Acidosis Causes
Decreased rest stimuli (ex-anesthesia), COPD, Pneumonia, Atelectasis
Metabolic Acidosis Causes
DKA, Renal failure, Dehydration, Liver failure, Diarrhea, Fistulas
Normal pH
PaCO2 normal levels
Trach Care
Q8H or PRN; hyper O2 prior, suction, remove old dressings, open sterile teach care kit/sterile glove, remove inner cannula (clean with hydrogen peroxide), reinsert, clean stoma with hydrogen peroxide and sterile water, change ties, new sterile dressing (DONT CUT GAUZE)
Nasal Cannula
Face Mask
Partial Rebreather
Venturi Mask
Trach Collar
Ear Drops for adult vs child
Up and back with adult; down and back for child! After lie on unaffected ear to facilitate absorption
NGT Insertion
Measure distance from tip of nose to earlobe to bottom of xiphoid process; mark the end with tape~lubricate, insert through nose, offer sips of water/bend head forward (HOB 60-90 degrees)~secure with hypoallergenic tape
MONITOR FOR RESP DISTRESS! (sign that it is misplaced in the lungs
NGT Verication
~Aspirate gastric contents and check pH (should be <4 if gastric location)
NGT Care
Check residual before feedings and Q4H if continuous feeding (hold feeding if >100mL); 15-30mL water before and after each med and feed; admin fluids at room temperature; change bag Q24-72H; HOB 30 when feeding and 30 min post
Urinary Catheter Insertion (Female)
Explain; assemble equipment, pt in dorsal recumbent position or Sims
Drape with drapes using sterile tech; sterile gloves; lube catheter; place in tray. Separate labia and wipe from meatus towards rectum with iodine swabs; insert 2-3 inches into urethrea after seeing urine; inflate balloon; gentile traction/tape to thigh
Urinary Catheter Insertion (Male)
Explain; assemble equipment, pt in dorsal recumbent position or Sims
Drape with drapes using sterile tech; sterile gloves; lube catheter; place in tray. Pull foreskin and cleanse in circular motion; hold penis perpendicular to body; insert catheter 6-7 inches; replace foreskin; inflate; tape
Self Catheterization
Keep catheter 2-4 weeks, make sure to do Q 4-6 Hrs on a schedule; can do sitting or standing; hydrate
When would you use defibrilation vs cardioversion
Defib for V fib (paddle at R sternal border and over apex of heart) and give 1 mg Epi IVP Q3-5 min
Cardioversion for arrhythmias like Afib (need informed consent)
S/S of shock
Cool/clammy skin; restless; tachycardia; weak pulses; Metabolic Acidosis; Oliguria; shallow/rapid respirations; muscle weakness
Fluid volume deficit S/S
Thirst (early sign), fever, rapid/weak pulse, increased resp, hypotension, weight loss, anxiety, decreased output, HA, increased specific gravity
Fluid volume overload S/S
Increased/bounding pulse, periph edema, HTN, muffled heart sounds, JVD, low spec gravity, increased venous pressure, decreased Hct/Hgb/BUN/Na
Decreased ADH- have excessive urine output, dehydration, thirst, weight loss, weakness, consta, low spec gravity, high Na~NI=I&O, monitor spec gravity and DDAVP/Pitressin
Increased ADH- have anorexia/N/V, decreased output, lethargy, HA, decreased DTR, tachy, decreased NA~NI= restrict intake to 500mL/24 Hr, hypertonic saline, weights, I&O, assess LOC
<3.5- can cause anorexia/N/V, weakness, dysrhythmias
~Supplements/increase intake (bananas, rasins, apricots, oranges, potatoes, carrots, celery)
>5- can cause cardiac arrest, muscle weakness, paralysis, N/D
~Restrict meds with K and foods with K, give sodium polystyrene sulfonate, dialysis, or diuretics
<135- can have N, muscle cramps, increased ICP, muscle twitching, confusion~Increase intake (beef broth, tomato juice), IV LR or NS,
water restriction, I&O, weights
>145- can have fever, delusions, disorientation, thirst, postural hypotension, HTN, tachy~Give hypotonic solution, decrease NA intake, weight
<8.6- can have confusion, seizures, irritability
~Trousseau's Sign= inflate BP cuff to 20mmHg and have carpal spams=tetany
~Chvostek's Sign= tap facial nerve 2cm anterior to the earlobe= twitching of facial muscles=tetany
~Caution with IV CA! Causes irritation! maintain airway- can have stridor, seizure precautions!! Give vit D also! Exercise
>10.2- can have muscle weakness, lack of coordination, constipation, depressed reflexes, dysrhythmias
~Important to mobilize patient, increase fluids, and prevent injury and renal calculi formation!
<1.3- can have tremors, tetany, seizures, depression, confusion! MG DEPRESSES CNS!
~Increase intake (green veggies, nuts, bananas, oranges, pb, chocolate), monitor cardiac! monitor for dig toxicity! seizure precautions! Test ability t swallow bc dysphagia!
~Can give Ca to counteract danger of myocardial dysfunction that can occur from mag toxicity and rapid infusions!
>2.3- can have hypotensions, facial flushing, weakness, absent DTR, paralysis, deep/shallow respitations EMERGENCY!
~Give IV Calcium gluconate, dialysis, monitor cardiac rhythms, support ventilations; teach pt about OTC drugs that have mag
Rule of 9s
front torso=18
each leg=18
each arm=9
Addison's Disease
Hyposecretion of adrenal hormones (mineralcorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens)
S/S of Addison's
weakness, dehydration, falling BP--> shock/coma/death, hyperpigmentation, weight loss, fractures, depression/lethargy, decreased BP--> insulin shock
~Hormone replacement and high protein and carb and Na/low K
Cushing's Disease
Hypersecretion of adrenal hormones (mineralcorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens)
S/S of Cushing's
Fatigue, weakness, muscle wasting, purple skin striation, depression, moon face, buffalo hump, masculinazation in females, blood sugar imbalance (increased), can have hyperactivity
~Need surgery and K/low Na/Cal/Carb diet
R sided HF S/S
Affects periphery; dependent edema, hepatomegaly, cool extremities, anxiety, depression, weight gain
L sided HF S/S
affects lungs; dyspnea, orthopena, pleural effusion, cheyne stokes respirations, crackles, cough with frothy bloody sputum, fatigue, weakness, cerebral anoxia--> ALOC
Venous Vascular Diseases
Varicose veins, Thrombophlebitis (will be cool/brown and have pain)= elevate legs! use warm/moist packs
Arterial Vascular Diseases
Atherosclerosis, Raynaud's, Buerger's (will be cool/shiny/cyanotic/pallor)= legs in dependent position; don't cross legs/no smoking
S/S of anemia
Dyspnea possible; pale, exhaustion, loss of appetite, cold sensitivity, dizziness, HA
~ID and treat cause
Complication of Dwarfism
Complication of Acromegaly
Poor vision/coordination- need to provide safety
Warning signs of Cancer
Change in bowel/bladder
A sore that does not heal
Unusual bleeding or discharge
Thickening or lump in tissue
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
Obvious change in wart/mole
Nagging cough or hoarseness
Internal Radiation=limit contact to 30 minutes!
External Radiation= avoid lotions/creams/deodorants/perfumes, clean and assess skins, don't expose to sunlight! Wear cotton clothes!
Neutropenia Precautions
Assess skin integrity Q8H, private room, hand hygiene, no sick visitors, no standing water/flowers, clean room daily, low microbial diet (no salads, peeled fruit/veggies), deep breathing Q4H, body hygiene, inspect IV site
Assisting a patient out of bed
Place hand under knees and shoulder of patient; instruct pt to push elbow into bed at the same time the nurse should life pt shoulders with one arm and swing legs over edge with the other
Assisting a patient to stand
Face the pt with hands grasping each side of rib cage; push nurse's knees against 1 of the pt's; rock pt forward to standing; pivot to sit in a chair
(have chair on pts strong side)
Assisting a patient into bed
Move pt towards stronger side; use legs not back; use draw sheets as needed; always have assistant standing by!
Position for prolapsed cord
Trendelnberg (legs higher than head)or knee to chest
Position for shock
Modified Trendelenburg (Feet elevated 20 degrees; knees straight; trunk flat; head slightly elevated)
Position for suppositories
Sims (side lying with upper leg bent)
Position for patient experiencing respiratory distress
HOB 60-90 degrees
Position to allow for oral secretion drainage
Side lying
Position post tube feeding
HOB up; R side to promote gastric emptying
Position for foley insertion
Dorsal Recumbent (supine with knees flexed)
Positon for liver biopsy
Supine with arms above head
Position for suspected air embolism
HOB down; L side
Positon for mom if fetal bradycardia
L side (also give mom O2 and start IV) indicated compression of vena cava/decreased O2 to baby
Using crutches
Support weight on hand piece! Keep crutches 8-10 inches out to the side; elbows flexed 20-30 degrees
UP=good leg then crutches
DOWN= crutches with bad leg then good leg
Using a walker
Flex elbows 20-30 degrees; lift and move walker forward 8-10 inches; step forward with affected leg
Nurse should stand behind pt
SIT=grasp armrest on affected side; shift weight to good leg and hand; lower to chair
Using a cane
Flex elbow 30 degrees and hold handle; tip of cane should be 15cm lateral to the base of the 5th toe
Hold in hand opposite affected extremity; advance cane and affected leg together; lean on cane when moving good leg
UP=cane and good leg
DOWN=cane and bad leg
Precautions with Pediculosis/Scabies
Contact Isolation
Precautions with Samonella
Contact Isolation
Precautions with Pertussis
Droplet Isolation
Precautions with RSV
Contact Isolation
Precautions with TB
Airborne Isolation
Precautions with Mumps
Droplet Isolation
Precautions with MRSA
Contact Isolation
Precautions with Hepatitis
Standard Isolation (Contact if diapered)
Precautions with Herpes Simplex/Zoster
Contact Isolation
Precautions with CMV (Cytomegalovirus)
Standard + wear goggles when handling urine
Precautions with Influenza B
Droplet Isolation
Precautions with C.Diff
Contact Isolation
Precautions with Meningitis
Droplet Isolation until 24 H of treatment
Precautions with Measles
Airborne Isolation
Precautions with Rotavirus
Contact Isolation
Precautions for a patient post kidney transplant
Protective Isolation (no visitors!) for 72 H
Precautions with Pneumonia
Droplet Isolation
Precautions with Shingles/Chickenpox
Airborne Isolation
Precautions with a suspected infected decubitus ulcer
Contact Isolation
Diet with lithium therapy
Increase NA
Therapeutic lithium level
S/S of lithium toxicity
N/V/D, fine tremors, slurred speech
IV Pyleogram
XRay of urinary tract
D/C metformin 48H prior, do cleansing enema night prior
Duodenal Ulcers S/S
Pain 1H after meal
Gastric Ulcers S/S
Pain prior to meal and 2-3H after and during the night
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Severe HA, HTN, sweating, congestion, bradycardia
Seen with SCI-triggered by cold
Buerger's Disease
Inflammation/thrombosis in blood vessels (associated with smoking)- will have digital sensitivity to the cold
Miller Abbot Tube
Removes fluid from small intestine- used for intestinal decompression and paralytic illeus treatment
Enwald Tube
For rapid lavage; have suction ready!
If a patient in PostPartum's fundus is boggy and displaced to the R what should the nurse do?
Tell the patient to use the restroom
What does restlessness/overactiveness in kids give a clue to?
What is the Cerebellum responsible for?
What is the Occipital Lobe responsible for?
What is the Parietal Lobe responsible for?
Sensory Discrimination
What is the Temporal Lobe responsible for?
What is the Frontal Lobe responsible for?
Concentration, Language, Personality
Irritable Bowel Syndrome S/S
Alternating diarrhea and constapation
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Chronic diarrhea and vomiting
Done for seizures, depression
Use general anesthesia, electric currents travel through brain to trigger brief seizure (back pain after not normal)-give Atropine 30 min prior to decrease secretions