8 patient's rights

Part of your job as a healthcare provider is to discuss treatment options and decisions with your patient, and educate them about patient rights and responsibilities. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects personally identifying information, such as the patient's name, social security number, date of birth, and information about diagnosis and treatment. HIPAA provides that such information should only be shared with individuals directly involved in the patient's care, the payment of care, and/or the management of the patient's care.
Here are the common 8 patient's rights:
1. P-rivacy: Talking in private with the patient or simply closing the curtain when doing your care respects the patient's right of privacy.
2. A-utonomy: The patient has the right to choose a provider and plans. He or she has the right to know the treatment options and take part in decisions about his or her care. Also, the patient can complain and appeals to a fair, fast, and objective review of the care plan, physician, other healthcare personnel, or a hospital.
3. T-reatment refusal: Patient has the right to participate in treatment decision. Although, parents, guardians, family and significant others can represent the patient if he/she cannot make his or her own decision.
4. I-nformation: (or consumer responsibilities). Patient has the responsibility to provide information about any medications he/she takes and his/her past illnesses.
5. E-ducation: (or information disclosure). Patient has the right to receive an accurate and easily understable information about health plans, healthcare professionals, and healthcare facilities.
6. N-ot to be restrained: Restrain should only be given as a last result, (when all other interventions failed) especially if patient is in danger to hurt himself/herself and others. Restrains are usually ordered by a physician.
7. T-o be treated with confidentiality: Patient's healthcare information should be protected at all times. Like all healthcare providers, you should maintain patient confidentiality and take necessary steps to ensure that the patient information security is not breached. An individual not involved in the care of the paitent does not have a legitimate need to access the patient's medical records. Patients are allowed to read and copy their own medical record.
8. S-ervices: They have the right to access emergency services, the patient has the right to be screened and stabilized using emergency services whenever and wherever the patient needs them, without having to wait for authorization, and without any financial penalty.
Evaluate the patient's understanding of his or her rights and responsibilities, including the right to informed consent and the difference between privileged communication and the duty to disclose, as well as staff understanding of patient's rights.
KaplanNCLEX-Rn, strategies, practice and review 2010-2011 edition