Hibiscus tattoo meaning and its healing wonders...
Today, my co-worker is very excited to show me her new hibiscus tattoo. When I saw it, I reacted and say to her "Oh gumamela". In the Philippines hibiscus is locally called gumamela, which we crushed until the juice comes out and we deep a papaya stalks to make bubbles from it as a pastime.

Credit: www.tattooeasily.com
Hibiscus tattoo has different meanings and the most common is "delicate beauty".
Other meanings are:
In Hawaii, if a woman worn the flower behind the left ear, she is married or in a relationship. If the flower is worn on the right, she is single or openly available for a relationship.

"Hmmm, I guess she is single or openly available for a relationship"
credit: imgbuddy.com
Also, the Chinese believes that it symbolizes virginity, gentleness and fame. In Malaysia, the hibiscus flower represents courage, honor, and life. While in Korea, the hibiscus is a symbol of immortality.

Hibiscus or gumamela is abundant in the Philippines which is commonly used for cough and as an expectorant.
Here are some of its medical uses:
1. Mumps and urinary tract infection: use dried drug materials 15 to 30 gms, boil to decoction and drink.
2. Abscesses, carbuncles and boils: crush fresh leaves and poultice the infected area. Also, pound flower buds into a paste and apply to external swellings; also used for boils, cancerous swellings and mumps.
3. Emollient: Decoction of roots, barks, leaves and flowers
4. Cramps: Seeds.
5. Fever: Decoction of leaves.
6. Laxative: Leaves.
7. Hair growth: oil made by mixing the juice of fresh petals and olive oil.
8. Analgesic.
9. Antiinflammatory.
10. Hematomas and tumors.
Info retrieved from: www.filipinoherbshealingwonders